Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Worth Quoting IV

Ann Coulter, em entrevista à Front Page Magazine, tocou no ponto central para se compreender os movimentos revolucionários modernos. Seja política, filosófica, cultural, toda revolta moderna, no fundo, não passa de mais uma tentativa de destruir as raízes cristãs do Ocidente e substitui-las por uma nova "concepção do mundo". Sob essa ótica, o marxismo, o positivismo, o gramscismo, a "Nova Era", etc., não passam de movimentos gnósticos. Essa é a posição de Voegelin, e que vem sendo seguida por Olavo de Carvalho, acho eu. E, a meu ver, é nesse quadro mais amplo, e muito mais profundo, que devemos estudar o que se passa no Brasil hoje.

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Embora ainda não sejamos um país socialista, já estamos pensando e agindo como socialistas. Quem duvida basta dar uma lidinha na constituição, nos livros escolares, nos discursos políticos, nas publicações editoriais, etc.. A isso, Gramsci chamava de hegemonia. É a construção do consenso, a qual, no Brasil, foi elaborada por intelectuais petistas(volto nisso um dia, mas quem quiser saber mais dê uma olhada nos documentos do PT, principalmente o Socialismo Petista, disponível na hp do partido). Para virarmos o jogo, o combate principal deve ser no plano das idéias, algo que os americanos -- sob a avalanche de lixo politicamente correto que invadia o país no pós-45 -- perceberam muito bem. Muitas vezes, é verdade, a reação "conservadora" é tão exagerada que acabam perdendo a razão e favorecendo o inimigo.
Uma observação final : liberal, em inglês, tem o sentido de esquerdista, progressista. Será que nossos jornalistas sabem disso?

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(...)"FP: Ok, well, speaking of the leftist agenda, you have taken on a new challenge in your latest book in terms of liberals and religion. You point out how most liberals often boast they are not religious, yet that they are, in fact, part of a religion. Can you talk a bit about this phenomenon?

Coulter: Yes, they say they are not religious (until they need Americans to vote for them) in order to act like supreme rationalists, slaves to the scientific method, which they claim disproves God. But of course, liberals hate science -- as covered in copious detail in my book. Science is the study of the world as it is, invulnerable to their crying jags.

The point of my book is that liberalism is itself a religion, a godless one, that worships nature and sees man as a morally indistinguishable part of nature - really a blight on nature. They have a whole cosmology, a world view, and a belief in the supernatural. But by denying that liberalism is a religion, they get to promote their religion in government schools.

FP: Can you just expand a little bit on why liberals hate science deep down?

Coulter: The liberal war on science is an entire chapter in my book so you will need to read it for the full exposition, but liberals hate science because it so often contradicts their religious beliefs - that women are no different from men in their aptitude for math and science, that the AIDS virus doesn't discriminate, that there is no such thing as IQ and if there is, it is equally distributed among all genders, races and classes of people. People who subscribe to God-based religions don't need the science to come out one way or another on any of these issues. We consider all human life sacred so it doesn't threaten our world view if it turns out that some humans don't make good Navy SEALs because they lack upper body strength.

FP: Why is the Left is so hostile to the Judeo-Christian tradition?

Coulter: Their beliefs are antithetical to the Judeo-Christian tradition. It gets in the way of their agenda of moral relativism, hedonism, and socialism. You might say they consider the Judeo-Christian tradition to be “an inconvenient truth”.

FP: It is interesting that the Left is adamantly for the separation of Church and State, against prayer in schools etc., but when it comes to Islam, liberals and leftists lose their fervor in being anti-religious. What gives here?

By denying that liberalism is a religion, liberalism is able to permeate government institutions, most obviously, the public schools. Christianity and Judaism are banned from government schools, where children are baptized in the liberal religion -- safe sex, recycling, Heather Has Two Mommies, Bush is “like Hitler,” and of course, Darwinism, the last of the 19th century mystery religions. Only once you realize that the official state religion is liberalism does it make sense that the state religion can play favorites with other religions, such as Islam, post 9/11. Liberalism differs with Islam on abortion, homosexuality, women - but both religions view Christians and Jews as infidels." (...)


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